Saturday, December 9, 2017

Install and set up goofys in Ubuntu 16.04 to mount an s3 bucket

In this tutorial I am going to create a new s3 bucket then create a user with credentials for reading/writing/deleting documents in that bucket.  Then use that info to mount that bucket like a hard drive using goofys on an Ubuntu 16.04 box.

Create a bucket

Log into your console and go to the amazon s3 tool and click create bucket.

Give it a unique name and click next

For me I am going to leave the defaults here and click next

The default settings are good for me on this page as well.  I want my aws user to have read/write to this bucket, even though I am not going to use that user to mount the S3 bucket.   I also want to make the bucket private so “Do not grant public read access” .   Click Next

Click Create Bucket!

There is the bucket!

Create a user with credentials

Now I want to create a user with credentials who has permissions to read/write to this new bucket.

From the AWS console open up the IAM tool and click on users

Click add user.

Enter in a user name, select Programmatic Access and click Next Permissions.

Select Attach existing policies and search for s3.

Click on AmazonS3FullAccess and click on JSON

This JSON policy

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": "s3:*",
            "Resource": "*"

Is close to what I want.  It gives read/write access, but to all my s3 buckets.  I want to tweak this slightly to limit it to a single bucket.

Here is a policy that will do what we want.

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": "s3:ListBucket",
            "Resource": ["arn:aws:s3:::a-test-bucket-124568d"]
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": ["arn:aws:s3:::a-test-bucket-124568d/*"]

Click on Create Policy

Click on JSON and paste the policy in.

Click Review Policy

Give it a name and click Create Policy

The policy has been created!

From the create user page select “Customer Managed” from the pull down menu.

Then click Refresh

Select the policy you just made and click Next: Review

Click Create User.

Record your Access Key ID and show your secret access key.

In my case

Secret:             Gcdpi2aETNuLsBxB1DKKU9g44qhpaAl6Eoviqreo

(don’t worry I am deleting this bucket and user after writing this how to)

Click Close you are done with this part.

Install goofys

I am installing all this on Ubuntu 16.04 server.

First You need to install go and get it set up.  I am going to install go 1.8.  Run the following commands to install go 1.8

   > sudo curl -O
   > sudo tar -xvf go1.8.linux-amd64.tar.gz
   > sudo mv go /usr/local
   > sudo ln -s /usr/local/go/bin/go /usr/bin/go

Now check the version

   > go version

Now install goofys (build it from source

   > export GOPATH=$HOME/work
   > go get
   > go install
   > sudo cp work/bin/goofys /usr/bin/

Now check the version

   > goofys --version

Switch to the root user and create a credentials files

   > sudo su - root
   > mkdir ~/.aws
   > vi ~/.aws/credentials

In this file put in the
Access Key ID: Secret Access Key ID  Here is an example (using my credentials)

aws_access_key_id = AKIAJETFXNV4NYVV64EA
aws_secret_access_key = Gcdpi2aETNuLsBxB1DKKU9g44qhpaAl6Eoviqreo

Mount it!

Create a mount point and mount it!

   > sudo mkdir -p /s3/bucket-test
   > sudo goofys a-test-bucket-124568d /s3/bucket-test

Got a fatal error

2017/11/27 20:49:49.984443 main.FATAL Unable to mount file system, see syslog for details

Let me switch to the root user and see if it will mount as the root user

   > sudo su - root
   > goofys a-test-bucket-124568d /s3/bucket-test

OK that worked but only the root user can see it.

Let me tweak the command….
First unmount the drive

   > umount /s3/bucket-test
   > goofys -o allow_other a-test-bucket-124568d /s3/bucket-test

Now a regular user can see it.  Let me see if they  can upload to it

Let me use /dev/urandom to create a 100MiB file with random data in it in a /tmp folder

   > cd /tmp
   > dd if=/dev/urandom of=random.txt count=1048576 bs=100

Now copy it over to the s3 bucket

   > cp /tmp/random.txt /s3/bucket-test/

Permission denied!

I think I have an issue with /etc/fuse.conf file…

   > sudo vi /etc/fuse.conf

Uncomment out the user_allow_other line

Unmount the s3 drive and remount it.

   > sudo su - root
   > umount /s3/bucket-test
   > goofys -o allow_other a-test-bucket-124568d /s3/bucket-test

Now copy it over to the s3 bucket

   > cp /tmp/random.txt /s3/bucket-test/

Still denied.

Let me try another tweak to the command

   > sudo su - root
   > umount /s3/bucket-test
   > goofys -o allow_other --file-mode=0777 --dir-mode=0777 a-test-bucket-124568d /s3/bucket-test

Now copy it over to the s3 bucket (as a non-root user)

   > cp /tmp/random.txt /s3/bucket-test/

Hey that worked J

A bit overkill as now anyone on my server can write and execute any file mounted from this s3 bucket.

Next up../ getting it to automount via /etc/fstab!

Mount using /etc/fstab

First let me unmount the s3 bucket

   > sudo umount /s3/bucket-test

Open and edit /etc/fstab

   > sudo vi /etc/fstab

And append the following line to the bottom of the file

goofys#a-test-bucket-124568d   /s3/bucket-test        fuse     _netdev,allow_other,--file-mode=0666    ,--dir-mode=0777,--profile=default     0       0

Now mount it

   > sudo mount /s3/bucket-test

Run a quick test

   > cp /tmp/random.txt /s3/bucket-test/random2.txt

That worked!

Let me reboot and see if it automounts or not

   > sudo reboot now

Wahoo it automounted

Also I do not think I need the user_allow_other in the fuse.conf file

   > sudo vi /etc/fuse.conf

Comment  out the user_allow_other line

I am just going to reboot at this point and see if it works with the new fuse.conf file and also if it automounts

   > sudo reboot now

Wahoo it is all working J

One last test let me copy a file over again as a non-root user.  (After I remake my random file of course )

   > dd if=/dev/urandom of=/tmp/random.txt count=1048576 bs=100
   > cp /tmp/random.txt /s3/bucket-test/random3.txt

That worked J

So that’s how you mount an S3 bucket as a drive in Ubuntu 16.04 using goofys.


[1]        goofys github repo
                Accessed 11/2017

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