I am familiar wiht gnu screen commands http://www.gnu.org/software/screen/
[1]. I am trying to transition to using tmux instead of gnu screen.
I need to familiarize myself with the commands tmux uses vs what gnu screen. With that in mind I am going to explore and
write down some common commands in tmux.
Start a tmux session, detach, list and re-attach.
I am running this on an Ubuntu 14.04 server using Tmux vs
To start a new session run the following command
> tmux
Here is the tmux default screen
To stop this session simply run the exit command
> exit
This will close the tmux session
If you want to leave the tmux session up you need to detach
from it. To detach from it press Ctrl+b
then press d. (On screen it is Ctrl+a then press d)
After doing that you will see a message like this
"[detached (from session 0)]"
To list all sessions currerntly running, run the following
> tmux list-sessions
Or you can use the shorter version
> tmux ls
In screen the command would be "screen -ls"
If there is only one session open to reattach to it run the following
> tmux attach
Or the shorter version
> tmux a
In Screen the command would be "screen -a"
Name a session and reattach to it
If you start multiple sessions how do you reattach to the
correct one?
Here I have two sessions
The section before the colon contains the name. The second session has the name "1"
To reattach to it run the following command
> tmux attach -t 1
Screen's command would be"screen -r 1"
To create a session with the custom name "tail_log"
run the following command.
> tmux new -s tail_log
The session's name is in the lower left hand corner of tmux
To reattach to the named session run the following command.
> tmux attach -t tail_log
Creating a new session and detaching from it
Here is an example of creating a session and automatically
detaching from it.
> tmux new -s tail_log_2 -d
Creating new windows in a session and moving between
To create a new window in a session Ctrl+b then press c
To move between windows press Ctrl+b then n (for next)
Each window has a number starting at 0 to go to a specific
window press Ctrl+b then <number>
for example Ctrl+b then 0 goes to the first window.
To name a window press Ctrl+b then "," Then enter in name of window
Renaming it to "First Window"
Tmux panes
You can display multiple panes (windows) in one tmux
Pressing Ctrl+b then %
will start up a new session and split the screen Vertically.
Pressing Ctrl+b then " will split the screen
To move around the panes press Ctrl+b then o. You can also use Ctrl+b then Up, Down, Left,
or Right.
To close a pane run the exit command in the pane.
Cheat Sheet
Screen command
Tmux command
Open a new session
> screen
> tmux
Close a session
> exit
> exit
Detach from a session
Ctrl+a then d
Ctrl+b then d
Reattach to session
(if a single session) |
> screen -a
> tmux a
List open session
> screen -ls
> tmux ls
Attach to a session by name
> screen -r session_name
> tmux a -t session_name
Create a named session
> screen -S tail_log
> tmux new -s tail_log
Create a new session and detach from it
> screen -d -m -S tail_log
> tmux new -s
tail_log -d
Create new window in session
Ctrl+a then c
Ctrl+b then c
Move to next window
Ctrl+a then space bar
Ctrl+b then n
Move to first window
Ctrl+a then 0
Ctrl+b then 0
Split Vertically
Ctrl+a then |
Ctrl+b then %
Split Horizontally
Ctrl+a then S
Ctrl+b then "
[1] Gnu Screen
Accessed 1/2015

This post is a part of and epic, the Tmux epic.
Epic Goal: Learn how to use tmux to open 8 panes that each start to tail a different serverlog via ssh, all via a script.
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