Amazon AWS Fix cloud-init in Ubuntu 12.10

Posted on Monday, April 15, 2013

This guide goes over fixing one bug in the cloud-init feature in Ubuntu 12.10.  The issue is this, when creating a user and giving them a password their password becomes "locked"

In the cloud-init version 0.7 installed with Ubuntu 12.10 AMIs there is a bug if you are trying to set the password for a user it becomes locked.   
The bug and its fix are covered here [1]  So it has been fixed but the fix is not on the Ubuntu 12.10 AMI images yet (And I do not think it ever will be).   So here is my process for putting this fix into a 12.10 AMI and making your own AMI to use.

What is a locked password?

Well if you are like me you may have never locked or unlocked a password before.

To lock the password of a user named patman you would run this command.

> sudo passwd patman -l

What this really does is to put an "!" in front of your password in the /etc/shadow file

Running the following command

> sudo cat /etc/shadow | grep patman

Here you see the exclamation point.  Which indicates that this users password is locked and cannot be used.

To unlock a password run the following command

> sudo passwd patman -u

The problem

The cloud-init tool that comes with ubuntu 12.10 will always set the users password to a locked state.

To show the problem you first need an encrypted password

> mkpasswd -m sha-512

For testing purposes I entered in a password of "password"  which gives me back the encrypted password of


# Add groups to the system
# The following example adds the ubuntu group with members foo and bar and
# the group cloud-users.
  - patman

# Add users to the system. Users are added after groups are added.
  - default
  - name: patman
    shell: /bin/bash
    gecos: Patrick Bailey
    primary-group: patman
    groups: admin
    lock-passwd: false
    passwd: $6$TRm3k.CXXZYpnch$YiHrvQvf1W6GA8YMUYj1lwbN/zM4RTcY3WCfMsMqGSs/rjua0iYztKzGMF3vmvIZsMcDcbFvBFkNh3Rh.pVp./
    ssh-import-id: None
      - ssh-rsa AA…….

Here is the cloud-init file I created that will create the user patman and assign a password to him.  (It will also set up the ssh keys which I have omitted my actual public ssh key)

I saved this file and called it cloud-init-test.txt

If I try to create an ec2 instance using an ubuntu 12.10 ami

Using this command

> ec2-run-instances ami-0cdf4965 -b /dev/sda1=:8:true -k pats-keypair -t t1.micro  -g default --availability-zone us-east-1a --region us-east-1 -f cloud-init-test.txt

In this example it created a server at
If I try to ssh over to it

> ssh

I can login just fine, but my password is disabled.  Logging in as the Ubuntu user I was able to see that the "!" was in the /etc/password file.

# Add groups to the system
# The following example adds the ubuntu group with members foo and bar and
# the group cloud-users.
  - patman

# Add users to the system. Users are added after groups are added.
  - default
  - name: patman
    shell: /bin/bash
    gecos: Patrick Bailey
    primary-group: patman
    groups: admin
    lock-passwd: false
    passwd: $6$TRm3k.CXXZYpnch$YiHrvQvf1W6GA8YMUYj1lwbN/zM4RTcY3WCfMsMqGSs/rjua0iYztKzGMF3vmvIZsMcDcbFvBFkNh3Rh.pVp./
    ssh-import-id: None
      - ssh-rsa AA…….

  - [passwd, patman, '-u']

I tried to compensate for this issue by adding a command that simply unlocked my password after the fact, using the runcmd feature.

I again created another instance using the updated cloud-init-test.txt file

> ec2-run-instances ami-0cdf4965 -b /dev/sda1=:8:true -k pats-keypair -t t1.micro  -g default --availability-zone us-east-1a --region us-east-1 -f cloud-init-test.txt

This time getting

> ssh

This actually works….

But, it does not work on ec2 instances within a VPC for some unknown reason (Well at least unknown to me J )  In a VPC they user's passwords remained locked, as if the runcmd never actually ran.

The Fix

I created a new instance without using a cloud-init file.  Then I updated the cloud-init code and saved this machine as a new AMI.  Then I created a new instance from this AMI.   (this AMI will be made the west-2 region)

Create the instance

> ec2-run-instances ami-a4b83294 -b /dev/sda1=:8:true -k west-pats-keypair -t t1.micro  -g default --availability-zone us-west-2a --region us-west-2

Log into this new machine

> ssh -i west-pats-keypair.pem

Update the python cloud-init script

Update the /usr/share/pyshared/cloudinit/distros/

> sudo vi +266 /usr/share/pyshared/cloudinit/distros/

You need to replace

        if ('lock_passwd' not in kwargs and
            ('lock_passwd' in kwargs and kwargs['lock_passwd']) or
            'system' not in kwargs):


        if (kwargs.get('lock_passwd', True) or kwargs.get('system', False)):

Save this file.

Create an AMI

Create an AMI from this machine (in my case the machine was called i-de7b62ec)

> ec2-create-image i-de7b62ec --name "Ubuntu 12.10 Fixed" --description "Ubuntu 12.10 Fixed" --region us-west-2

This created an AMI with an Id of ami-1eef782e

Update the cloud-init-test.txt file

# Add groups to the system
# The following example adds the ubuntu group with members foo and bar and
# the group cloud-users.
  - patman

# Add users to the system. Users are added after groups are added.
  - default
  - name: patman
    shell: /bin/bash
    gecos: Patrick Bailey
    primary-group: patman
    groups: admin
    lock-passwd: false
    passwd: $6$TRm3k.CXXZYpnch$YiHrvQvf1W6GA8YMUYj1lwbN/zM4RTcY3WCfMsMqGSs/rjua0iYztKzGMF3vmvIZsMcDcbFvBFkNh3Rh.pVp./
    ssh-import-id: None
      - ssh-rsa AA…….

Basically just remove the runcmd section.

Create a new machine with this ami and the updated cloud-init-test.txt file.

> ec2-run-instances ami-1eef782e -b /dev/sda1=:8:true -k west-pats-keypair -t t1.micro  -g default --availability-zone us-west-2a --region us-west-2 -f cloud-init-test.txt

Log into the new box

> ssh

Doing a quick test

> sudo echo hi

Success!!  It worked!

I also tried this out within a VPC and it worked!   I won't show the command here as a VPC can get very specific with all its subnets and such.   

This fix to the cloud-init tool works in a VPC.

[1]        Password always locked?
                Accessed 04/2013
[2]        Merge lp:~harlowja/cloud-init/fix-passwd into lp:cloud-init
                Accessed 04/2013

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