What I currently have
Just to show what I currently have.
For my GlusterFS see http://www.whiteboardcoder.com/2023/02/installing-glusterfs-103-on-ubuntu-2204.html
[1] for any details on building out the glustefs and bricks… I this article is
just going over mounting it in /etc/fstab
I have 3 GlusterFS servers in the Trusted Storage Pool.
Two servers have two bricks and the third has one brick.
I have created two volumes. Volume-one has a replication factor of 2 and is spread across 2 bricks. Volume-two has a replication factor of 3 and is spread over 3 bricks.
I have no special firewall rules going on, everything is in the same network and other servers can access all the glusterFS servers.
Install GlusterFS 10.3 on Ubuntu 22.04
OK you could install glusterFS on the client server by simply running
> apt install
glusterfs-client |
But that would install GlusterFS 10.1 see
> apt show
glusterfs-client |

Which to be honest would be OK. But I want the latest and greatest vs 10.3 see https://www.gluster.org/release-schedule/ [2]
OK there is a version 11.0 but that is too new for me at this point.
So here is the procedure to download and install 10.3
Run the following commands to trust this and get it updated
> sudo
add-apt-repository ppa:gluster/glusterfs-10 |
Now update
> sudo apt update |
Check version
> apt show
glusterfs-client |
That looks good
Now install glusterfs
> sudo apt install
glusterfs-client |
OK now let me see if I can query the glusterFS Storage pool and its volumes…
OK there is not a current glusterfs way to do this see https://www.gluster.org/finding-gluster-volumes-from-a-client-machine/
[3]. But you can use the NFS tool
showmount to find the names of glusterfs volumes.
First let me install some tools
> sudo apt-get install
nfs-common |
Now let’s list volumes using the NFS tool showmount
> sudo apt-get install
nfs-common |
Hmm looks like I need to set up some NFS stuff on the server
I will attempt that later, but for now looks like no simple way to do this.
As an alternative I am going to login to one of the gluster servers in the trusted storage pool and list volumes.
> sudo gluster volume
list |
Or get more details
> sudo gluster volume
info |
Now let’s see if you we have any clients attached (I should not at this point)
> sudo gluster volume
status volume-one client-list |
Here we can see that we have
3 clients mounted using glustershd
and we can see the IPs of the other glusterfs servers. So no real client mounted yet just the other
> sudo gluster volume
status volume-two client-list |
OK looks good now let’s fiddle with /etc/fstab and get it mounted
So back the client server…
Create Folders
First let me make a simple directory to mount to and give myself ownership of it.
> sudo mkdir
/volume_one_client > sudo chown $USER:$USER
/volume_one_client/ |
My user name happens to be patman
OK now to edit /etc/fstab so we can auto mount glusterfs
> sudo vi /etc/fstab |
And place the following lines into it (to mount both volumes)
#defaults = rw, suid, dev, exec, auto, nouser, and async. /volume_one_client glusterfs
defaults,_netdev 0 0 /volume_two_client glusterfs
defaults,_netdev 0 0 |
Now I could have also used or since both of those are part of the Gluster Trusted Storage Pool.
OK now save that and reboot
> sudo reboot |
Then check if they are mounted properly
> df -h |
And if I run this from one of the gluster servers in the trusted storage pool.
> sudo gluster volume
status volume-one client-list |
Now we can see that we have one mounted by via fuse.
There we can see the client mounted there from
> sudo gluster volume
status volume-two client-list |
Mount via NFS
To get this set up I do need to do a bit of work on the
servers and clients.
First install nfs-common (run this on all severs and the client)
> sudo apt-get install
nfs-common |
Let me try a quick test. Umount one of the drives and attempt to mount it via nfs using these commands.
> sudo mount -t nfs -o
/volume_one_client |
mount.nfs: requested NFS version or transport protocol is not
supported |
Hmmm not working yet.
I think we have a setting issue.
Run this from one of the glusterfs servers.
> sudo gluster volume
info |
Bad option here this should be named nfs.disable: off
but at any rate I think this needs to be flipped.
Run this to flip it
> sudo gluster volume
set volume-one nfs.disable off |
Hmm I guess I will need to go look into NFS-Ganesha
Let’s see if that worked
> sudo gluster volume
info |
Seem to have done the job.
> sudo mount -t nfs -o
vers=3 /volume_one_client |
Not supported…
I don’t think its worth fighting this I am going to try NFS-Ganesha setup
First let me flip back the nfs.disable
> sudo gluster volume
set volume-one nfs.disable on |
Mount via NFS with NFS-Ganesha
I am using this guide to start off with https://docs.gluster.org/en/main/Administrator-Guide/NFS-Ganesha-GlusterFS-Integration/#installing-nfs-ganesha [4]
NFS default set up has been deprecated in GlusterFS now they recommend using
NFS-Ganesha. I am going to try to get
this set up..
From the glusterfs server lets install nfs-ganesha.
Run the following to install
> sudo apt-get install
nfs-ganesha-gluster |
See if nfs-ganesha is running
> sudo systemctl
status nfs-ganesha |
It is running. See what mounts it exposes
> showmount -e
localhost |
Nothing there yet
Backup the old file
> sudo mv
/etc/ganesha/gluster.conf /etc/ganesha/gluster.conf.ORIG |
Now edit the original
> sudo vi
/etc/ganesha/ganesha.conf |
Found some help with the config here https://github.com/nfs-ganesha/nfs-ganesha/wiki/GLUSTER
And place the following in it.
################################################### EXPORT Access_Type = RW;
Now restart nfs-ganshesha
> sudo systemctl restart
nfs-ganesha |
Now test from the glusterfs server
> showmount -e
localhost |
Now let me check from my client machine
> showmount -e |
OK now run the following command from the client to mount this volume.
> showmount -e |
> sudo mount -t nfs -o
/volume_one_client |
That worked.
Let me add the second volume to the nfs-ganesha
> sudo vi
/etc/ganesha/ganesha.conf |
And place the following in it.
FSAL { EXPORT Access_Type = RW; FSAL { |
Now restart nfs-ganshesha
> sudo systemctl restart
nfs-ganesha |
Now test from the glusterfs server
> showmount -e
localhost |
OK now from the client un mount both drives and mount via
> sudo umount
/volume_one_client > sudo mount -t nfs -o
vers=4 /volume_one_client |
Nice 😊
Now let me fiddle with /etc/fstab
> sudo vi /etc/fstab |
And place the following in it. /volume_one_client nfs
defaults,_netdev,vers=4 0 0 |
Now reboot
> sudo reboot |
Looks happy
I guess as last test I should put a file in both mounted disks.
> echo "THIS IS
FILE STUFF" >> /volume_one_client/my_file.txt |
Ooops had a failure on volume_two_client…
Hmm it’s a permissions issues.
Looks like the folders are owned by root and not by my user…
Let me fix that and reboot.. hopefully a fluke
> sudo chown $USER:$USER
/volume_one_client/ |
OK try again
> echo "THIS IS
FILE STUFF" >> /volume_one_client/my_file.txt |
Yep happy now. Tried
a reboot and its still happy.
A few questions I would like to explore
Why use NFS vs
glusterfs for client connections. Aside
from being compatible with something that needs NFS. Since I can use GlusterFS or NFS from
another linux box any advantages to use NFS?
For completeness should I install NFS-Ganesha on all
glusterFS servers? Or at least more than
one so I have a backup
NFS-Ganesha has some cluster settings would those be
wise to use?
Since I am mounting from the first glusterFS server…
What happens if it goes down? I know I
could update my /etc/fstab but is there a better way to mount this?
[1] Installing GlusterFS 10.3 on
Ubuntu 22.04 and get it working
Accessed 03/2023
[2] Installing GlusterFS 10.3 on
Ubuntu 22.04 and get it working
Accessed 03/2023
[3] Finding Gluster volumes from
a client machine
Accessed 03/2023
[4] Installing nfs-ganesha
Accessed 03/2023
[5] Configuring the specific
stuff for FSAL_GLUSTER
Accessed 03/2023
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