Cloud-init is the
defacto multi-distribution package that handles early initialization of a cloud
So what does that mean?
Think of it as a nice scriptable way to define how you want
a machine built. You can define what
users you want added, what packages you want installed, what drives to format,
setting timezones, etc…
It gives you the ability to script your server build! This gives you repeatability and a history
(assuming you put your script in a git repo).
How do you typically use it?
I use Ubuntu, and most Ubuntu cloud images already have
cloud-init installed. With that in mind
when I kick off a new server in the cloud I also hand it a cloud-init file to
run on start up.
As the server starts up it runs the cloud-init file on the
first start up and sets the machine up according to my script. (There are some ways to run the script on
every start up, but for me I only run it on the first start up and that is it)
Why install it?
Well usually you would not need to, assuming you are using
some cloud service like Amazon Web Services or Openstack, chances are your VMs
have cloud-init installed.
But, what if you are not in the cloud?
I currently have plans to build out an Openstack set up at
home, but that keeps getting delayed.
In the meantime I have an ESXi box I use to run my test VMs. I've gotten so used to using cloud-init in
Openstack or Amazon that it drives me a little crazy when I have to build a
machine locally in VMWare and manually install packages and set the box
up. I would rather do it the cloud-init
So, can I take a base Ubuntu 14.04.4 image install
cloud-init and get it to run a cloud-init file locally? I am sure I can I just have never bothered to
try. J
First attempt (FAILED)
I have created a base Ubuntu 14.04.04 machine image in
VMware Workstation. The main user is
named ubuntu, which follows the
typical Ubuntu Cloud image setup. I set
up all my ssh key stuff so I can log in as the Ubuntu user via ssh keys and no
one can login via passwords.
First step Install Cloud-Init
Cloud-init is installed by default on Ubuntu Cloud image
[2], but it is not installed in a typical non-cloud installation.
I may not get this right the first time, but here goes. I found some good instructions on how to
install cloud-init on Arch linux at
First let me prove I don't have cloud-init installed.
ls /etc/cloud
Does not exist.
Perfect J
Install it.
sudo apt-get -y install cloud-init
Confirm it's installed by opening /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg
sudo vi /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg
Looking over this file it looks good for my purposes one
thing to note is in the system_info section you can see the default_user is the
ubuntu user.
OK now what…
I am used to passing in a file via an AWS or Openstack
command that then is used when a new VM starts up. But, in this case, I have an image already
running. So what is the best way to run
a my cloud-init script?
Poking around I found this site
[4] Looks like a good resource.
I created a simple cloud-config file
# Create groups
- patman
# Create users.
# * set their prefered
# * Set their group
# * give them admin
# * Set their password
(copied from ecnrypted version @ /etc/shadow)
# * Input Public SSH
keys to allow access
- default
- name: patman
shell: /bin/bash
sudo: [ "ALL=(ALL)
ALL" ]
primary-group: pbailey
passwd: $6$Actual-passwordfrom/etc/shadow
- ssh-rsa
- ssh-rsa AAAnother-public-key
# runcmd:
# List of commands to
# If a command has a
verbose setting, it's a
# good idea to use
it. Just in case you
# Need to debug later.
# Output is logged to
# passwd <username> -u
# When a user is created
and their password
# set... their password is locked in /etc/shadow
# (it has a '!' in front of their encrypted
# password, hard to see and a pain)
# This command unlocks it
- 'passwd patman -u'
Of course put your actual ssh public keys and encrypted
password from /etc/shadow
Then attempt to run it manually.
Then attempt to run it manually.
> sudo
cloud-init -f cloud-init-test init --local
Now I have files in cloud-init
> tree
Looks pretty empty
Trying without the
> sudo
cloud-init -f cloud-init-test init
That is doing more.
But failed accessing user data
Failed calling a URL for meta-data
Giving up
Lot's more files now
Now users made though…
I think this is a bust.
Going back to an older VM
Second attempt (failed… but closer)
I think I finally found a good lead on what to do from this
Between that site and a few others I have been looking at it
seems cloud-init needs to files fed to it to work. One is the user-data file which is the
cloud-init file I am used to feeding into an EC2 or Openstack instance. The other file it needs is the meta-data
file. This is a different beast I am not
used to.
With meta-data you can set things like the hostname and
network-interface customization. EC2
handles this by having a local url that can be hit from within a machine. See
You can use these yourself to retrieve data about the
machine. Ex.
> curl
From my reading I could set up a URL to point to in the
cloud.cfg file. But I don't want to do
that just yet. I want to just simply
place a meta-data and a user-data file somewhere and have them run locally.
Create the /var/lib/cloud/seed/nocloud-net/ folder
sudo mkdir -p /var/lib/cloud/seed/nocloud-net
Make a very simple meta-data file
sudo vi /var/lib/cloud/seed/nocloud-net/meta-data
instance-id: my-test-od
Make a very simple user-data file
sudo vi /var/lib/cloud/seed/nocloud-net/user-data
- 'echo ============ Hello World ================'
Fire it up
> sudo
cloud-init -d init
Failed loading yaml
Maybe just reboot ?
First remove the instance data that was made
sudo rm -rf /var/lib/cloud/instance/*
Then reboot it
> sudo reboot now
Hey it did something.
… But I can't get back in.
It seems to have overwritten the default password and ssh key for my
cloud-init user named ubuntu.
Third attempt (failed bad meta-data)
The user-data seemed to load, but I am not sure what is
going on with fiddling with the Ubuntu user.
My best bet now is to make a better user-data script that creates a new
user I can login with.
Starting all over again…
Create the /var/lib/cloud/seed/nocloud-net/ folder
sudo apt-get install cloud-init
> sudo mkdir -p /var/lib/cloud/seed/nocloud-net
Make a very simple meta-data file
sudo vi /var/lib/cloud/seed/nocloud-net/meta-data
instance-id: my-test-id
Now for a more complex user-data file
sudo vi /var/lib/cloud/seed/nocloud-net/user-data
# Create groups
- patman
# Create users.
# * set their prefered
# * Set their group
# * give them admin
# * Set their password
(copied from ecnrypted version @ /etc/shadow)
# * Input Public SSH
keys to allow access
- default
- name: patman
shell: /bin/bash
sudo: [ "ALL=(ALL)
ALL" ]
primary-group: pbailey
- ssh-rsa
- ssh-rsa AAAnother-public-key
# runcmd:
# List of commands to
# If a command has a
verbose setting, it's a
# good idea to use
it. Just in case you
# Need to debug later.
# Output is logged to
# passwd <username> -u
# When a user is created
and their password
# set... their password is locked in /etc/shadow
# (it has a '!' in front of their encrypted
# password, hard to see and a pain)
# This command unlocks it
- 'passwd patman -u'
Of course put in your actual password from /etc/shadow and
your actual .pub ssh key.
Then reboot it
> sudo reboot now
OK now it is stuck on something…
A reboot got it back up, but something is not correct…
Looking at the logs
> vi
I can see that it is reading in the user-data and meta-data
I provided…
But it is failing to load it as a yaml blob
I found my mistake
Had an extra space where it should not be… well should
actually add a space on the next line.
Fourth attempt (Small Success)
Looking around I found this
[7] The approved answer did things a
little more simple than what I was attempting to do. So I am going to follow the example and make
it simple!
Starting all over again…
Create the /var/lib/cloud/seed/nocloud-net/ folder
sudo apt-get install cloud-init
> sudo mkdir -p /var/lib/cloud/seed/nocloud-net
Make a very simple meta-data file
sudo vi /var/lib/cloud/seed/nocloud-net/meta-data
local-hostname: localhost
This is very simple and should not screw up my system in
such a way as to mess up my ability to ssh to the box (I've had that result in
a few half attempts)
Now for a more complex user-data file
Now for a more complex user-data file
sudo vi /var/lib/cloud/seed/nocloud-net/user-data
password: mypassword
This will set the password for the ubuntu user to
mypassword. But it does require you to
change it on first login.
Then reboot it
> sudo reboot now
Yep it uses the new password to login and forces you to
reset it on first login.
I can still login with my ssh key
> ssh
-i ~/.esxi/pats-keypair.pem ubuntu@
So it did not wipe out the .ssh folder on ubuntu. Good.
It did change the local-hostname to localhost (it was ubuntu
Fifth attempt (More Success)
OK, let me attempt to increment this just a little
Starting all over again…
Create the /var/lib/cloud/seed/nocloud-net/ folder
sudo apt-get install cloud-init
> sudo mkdir -p /var/lib/cloud/seed/nocloud-net
Make a very simple meta-data file
sudo vi /var/lib/cloud/seed/nocloud-net/meta-data
local-hostname: my-servername
Let me see if I can tweak this and not break it.
Now for a more complex user-data file
sudo vi /var/lib/cloud/seed/nocloud-net/user-data
# Generic cloud user (ubuntu) settings
password: mypassword
# Install packages
- htop
- tree
# Reboot the machine when done.
# This is done to make sure the mount script is
# working
delay: "now"
mode: reboot
message: First Reboot!
timeout: 30
Installs a few packages and forces a reboot.
Then reboot it
> sudo reboot now
Wahoo it did reboot! After 30+ seconds… It did have to
install some packages first I suppose
htop and tree were installed!
Sixth attempt (Success!!)
OK, let me see if I can add a user now.
Starting all over again…
Create the /var/lib/cloud/seed/nocloud-net/ folder
sudo apt-get install cloud-init
> sudo mkdir -p /var/lib/cloud/seed/nocloud-net
Make a very simple meta-data file
sudo vi /var/lib/cloud/seed/nocloud-net/meta-data
local-hostname: my-servername
Let me see if I can tweak this and not break it.
Now for a more complex user-data file
sudo vi /var/lib/cloud/seed/nocloud-net/user-data
# Generic cloud user (ubuntu) settings
password: mypassword
# Install packages
- htop
- tree
# Reboot the machine when done.
# This is done to make sure the mount script is
# working
delay: "now"
mode: reboot
message: First Reboot!
timeout: 30
# Create groups
- patman
# Create users.
# * set their prefered
# * Set their group
# * give them admin
# * Set their password
(copied from ecnrypted version @ /etc/shadow)
# * Input Public SSH
keys to allow access
- default
- name: patman
shell: /bin/bash
sudo: [ "ALL=(ALL) ALL" ]
primary-group: patman
passwd: $6$Ns43f3HWNOT-ACTUAL
Added a user
Then reboot it
> sudo reboot now
Hey a user! Let me see
if I can login since it has my public ssh key
> ssh
Hmm denied… Oh wait I think I know why!
If you open your /etc/shadow file you can see the issue
> sudo vi
See the ! in front of my password. That says this user, even though they exist,
are not allowed to login.
This can be fixed with a simple command. (well I guess you could manualy edit the
/etc/shadow file if you wanted)
> sudo passwd patman
Worked but I also got that annoying host sudo error…
Let me try to login again
> ssh
And also just use sudo to confirm my password works!
Yep worked!
Seventh attempt (Super Success!!)
I am getting pretty close to what I want. Or at least able to exercise a lot of the
tools in cloud-init I use.
Next I want try runcmd to fix my user lock and also to fix
the sudo issue resolve host warning.
Starting all over again…
Create the /var/lib/cloud/seed/nocloud-net/ folder
sudo apt-get install cloud-init
> sudo mkdir -p /var/lib/cloud/seed/nocloud-net
Make a very simple meta-data file
sudo vi /var/lib/cloud/seed/nocloud-net/meta-data
local-hostname: my-servername
Same as last time.
Now for a more complex user-data file
sudo vi /var/lib/cloud/seed/nocloud-net/user-data
# Generic cloud user (ubuntu) settings
password: mypassword
# Install packages
- htop
- tree
# Reboot the machine when done.
# This is done to make sure the mount script is
# working
delay: "now"
mode: reboot
message: First Reboot!
timeout: 30
# Create groups
- patman
# Create users.
# * set their prefered
# * Set their group
# * give them admin
# * Set their password
(copied from ecnrypted version @ /etc/shadow)
# * Input Public SSH
keys to allow access
- default
- name: patman
shell: /bin/bash
sudo: [ "ALL=(ALL)
ALL" ]
primary-group: patman
passwd: $6$C5Hp-NOTACTUAL
- ssh-rsa AAAAB3Nza-NotACTUAL
# runcmd:
# List of commands to
# If a command has a
verbose setting, it's a
# good idea to use it. Just in case you
# Need to debug later.
# Output is logged to
# passwd <username> -u
# When a user is created
and their password
# set... their password is locked in /etc/shadow
# (it has a '!' in front of their encrypted
# password, hard to see and a pain)
# This command unlocks it
- 'passwd patman -u'
# This fixes the hostname in /etc/hosts
# which removes annoying messages when you
# are trying to run commands using sudo
- 'echo `hostname` >>
Now it should fix the /etc/hosts file so no more sudo
warnings. Also should unlock my user.
Then reboot it
> sudo reboot now
Let me see if I can login now.
> ssh
It worked! And now I
don't see the sudo warning. Looking real
quick at /etc/hosts
> cat /etc/hosts
That gets me most of the stuff I want for now. Well… There are two more things I would like
to try.
- Set a static IP
- Pass in a .pub key to the Ubuntu user (AWS /Openstack style?)
Eighth attempt (Partial Success)
Now let me try to set a static IP address on the new box and
to add a public ssh key to the ubuntu (cloud user)
Starting all over again…
Create the /var/lib/cloud/seed/nocloud-net/ folder
sudo apt-get install cloud-init
> sudo mkdir -p /var/lib/cloud/seed/nocloud-net
Make a very simple meta-data file
sudo vi /var/lib/cloud/seed/nocloud-net/meta-data
local-hostname: my-servername
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback
auto eth0
iface eth0 inet static
Hopefully this will set my /etc/network/interfaces and give
me a static IP address.
Add ssh key to the ubuntu (cloud user)
sudo vi /var/lib/cloud/seed/nocloud-net/user-data
# Generic cloud user (ubuntu) settings
password: mypassword
# Install packages
- htop
- tree
# Reboot the machine when done.
# This is done to make sure the mount script is
# working
delay: "now"
mode: reboot
message: First Reboot!
timeout: 30
# Create groups
- patman
# Create users.
# * set their prefered
# * Set their group
# * give them admin
# * Set their password
(copied from ecnrypted version @ /etc/shadow)
# * Input Public SSH
keys to allow access
- default
- name: patman
shell: /bin/bash
sudo: [ "ALL=(ALL)
ALL" ]
primary-group: patman
# runcmd:
# List of commands to
# If a command has a
verbose setting, it's a
# good idea to use
it. Just in case you
# Need to debug later.
# Output is logged to
# /var/log/cloud-init-output.log
# passwd <username> -u
# When a user is created
and their password
# set... their password is locked in /etc/shadow
# (it has a '!' in front of their encrypted
# password, hard to see and a pain)
# This command unlocks it
- 'passwd patman -u'
# This fixes the hostname in /etc/hosts
# which removes annoying messages when you
# are trying to run commands using sudo
- 'echo
`hostname` >> /etc/hosts'
Should allow me to login with using the .pem key I have
Then reboot it
> sudo reboot now
Now I should be able to ssh as the ubuntu user and not use
my .pem key. Oh and the IP address
should be different.
> ssh ubuntu@
OK looks like IP address did not change, let me try the old
> ssh ubuntu@
Hey that worked! But
my IP address did not get updated like I had hoped.
Looking at /etc/network/interfaces
That is not what I wanted.
Ninth attempt (Got it done!!!)
I tried several different ways of doing this and all failed.
I found a good example here
[9] I think I am close to correct.
This did not work either.
Maybe it works in a new version of Ubuntu. Pretty soon I will be switching over to
Ubuntu 16.04 LTS and maybe that will fix my problem.
But for now I am using Ubuntu 14.04 so I think maybe I can
update the /etc/network/interfaces file in the cloud-config file.
Starting all over again…
Create the /var/lib/cloud/seed/nocloud-net/ folder
sudo apt-get install cloud-init
> sudo mkdir -p /var/lib/cloud/seed/nocloud-net
Make a very simple meta-data file
sudo vi /var/lib/cloud/seed/nocloud-net/meta-data
local-hostname: my-servername
Use write_files to create a new /etc/network/interfaces
sudo vi /var/lib/cloud/seed/nocloud-net/user-data
# Generic cloud user (ubuntu) settings
password: mypassword
- ssh-rsa
# Install packages
- htop
- tree
# Reboot the machine when done.
# This is done to make sure the mount script is
# working
delay: "now"
mode: reboot
message: First Reboot!
timeout: 30
# Create groups
- patman
# Create users.
# * set their prefered
# * Set their group
# * give them admin permissions
# * Set their password
(copied from ecnrypted version @ /etc/shadow)
# * Input Public SSH
keys to allow access
- default
- name: patman
shell: /bin/bash
sudo: [ "ALL=(ALL)
ALL" ]
primary-group: patman
# runcmd:
# List of commands to
# If a command has a
verbose setting, it's a
# good idea to use
it. Just in case you
# Need to debug later.
# Output is logged to
# passwd <username> -u
# When a user is created
and their password
# set... their password is locked in /etc/shadow
# (it has a '!' in front of their encrypted
# password, hard to see and a pain)
# This command unlocks it
- 'passwd patman -u'
# This fixes the hostname in /etc/hosts
# which removes annoying messages when you
# are trying to run commands using sudo
- 'echo
`hostname` >> /etc/hosts'
# write_files:
# Files to write out.
# Set static IP address (would rather do this in meta-data but
it is no
# working at the moment)
# @
- path: /etc/network/interfaces
permissions: '0644'
owner: root:root
content: |
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback
auto eth0
iface eth0 inet static
Should allow me to login with using the .pem key I have
Then reboot it
> sudo reboot now
Now I should be able to ssh as the ubuntu user and not use
my .pem key. Oh and the IP address
should be different.
> ssh ubuntu@
Yes it worked!
Also if I try to login with my password for the ubuntu user
I need to use the password set in the cloud-init file. It is mypassword and requires you to reset it
after login.
I don't recommend doing it this way and I will probably
remove this from an eventual cloud-init file I will use.
I should also be able to login as patman
I should also be able to login as patman
> ssh patman@
And tree and htop should be installed.
Hey it's all working!!
Cool I got what I wanted.
I still need to work out how I am going to save config files
in a git repo and deploy them to a server… but at least I got a basic setup
working and I can expand from there.
[1] cloud-init documentation
Accessed 03/2016
[2] CloudInit Summary Page
Accessed 03/2016
[3] Arch Linux install
Accessed 03/2016
[4] Automating Openstack with
cloud init run a script on VM's first boot
Accessed 03/2016
[5] Bootstrapping an Ubuntu Server on Rackspace Using Cloud-Init and Fog
Accessed 04/2016
Accessed 04/2016
[6] Instance Metadata and User Data
Accessed 04/2016
Accessed 04/2016
[7] How do I boot Ubuntu Cloud images in vmware?
Accessed 04/2016
Accessed 04/2016
[8] Getting started with cloud-init
[9] NoCloud config
Awesome! Thanks for documenting your experience. Helped me quite a bit.
ReplyDeleteGreat post! Much better than the official guide. :-)
ReplyDeleteNice way to explain step by step.
ReplyDeleteawesome post ...thanks a lot !
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing !