I have been setting up a system using git and rsync. For larger files, or folders that don't
change often, I am using rsync in place of git.
git was never meant to move large binary files as I found out. My sojurn into this is documented at http://www.whiteboardcoder.com/2014/08/gitignore-and-calculating-tools.html
I am at a point, now, where I am engineering a solution for
all my ISO files. I have several Linux and
Windows ISOs always on hand, for convenience.
Each ISO is in its own directory, for example Ubuntu 12.04 server is in
folder linux_isos/Ubuntu/Server/12.04/.
In this particular folder I have the ISO file ubuntu-12.04.5-server-amd64.iso. (For windows ISOs I have the ISO and a key
code file for registrering it after an install)
I set turned my ISO parent directory into a git repository
with this .gitignore file.
#Ignore all those
dumb .ds_store file
#Generic files to
#not-git files and
#in this case just
ignore .iso files
This will ignore all the .iso files, but capture the key
files and rsync files I am going to create in each folder.
I could create one rsync script that grabs every ISO, but
that would kill my network and my storage.
Instead I want to have an rsync script per ISO file. That way if I need to graph my windows 8 ISO
I can simply go to the correct directory and run my script, which will pull down
my file from my remote server.
Rsync script
Here is the rsync script I came up with, feel free to use it
and tweak it.
Remote location
for an override name
[ $2 ]
spot you should be changing anything
contains subfolders and other array contains files/folders to rsync
don't think bash supports arrays of arrays so i did it this way
[ "$1" == 'push' ]
echo "Push it"
#Need to make the directories
#for folder in $folders
for i in "${!folders[@]}"
ssh "$name"$url mkdir -p
rsync $flags
echo "Pull it"
#Create local folder if it is not present
for i in "${!folders[@]}"
if [ "${folders[$i]}" == '' ]
rsync $flags
"$name"$url:$loc${folders[$i]}${files[$i]} .
mkdir -p ${folders[$i]}
rsync $flags
"$name"$url:$loc${folders[$i]}${files[$i]} ${folders[$i]}
You need to change the highlighted areas. You need to put your url instead of
Update the loc variable to be the directory you will rsync
to on your remote server
Change files to the actual name of the ISO you want to rsync
I named my script .rsync-not-get so that it would be hidden
from normal views.
After this file is set up run it using
> ./.rsync-not-get push patman
This script will rsync (Push) the file to the remote
server. The second variable is a user
name. You can leave it off if your
username on the system you are pushing to is the same the one you are on.
Using git to save the repository to a remote server will
commit all the script but will skip over the ISO files due to the .gitignore
After cloning the git repo you can run the script from the
other side and rsync (pull) the file from the remote server.
> ./.rsync-not-get pull patman
Dozens of scripts
OK job well done! We
are almost done. All that is left to do
is copy the script to each ISO directory and change the files variable to the
name of the ISO in that directory.
Well I have at least a dozen if not two-dozen ISO
files. This seems like a good excuse to
figure out how to replace one part of my text file.
First I am going to make a generic rsync file where I
replace the file name with XXXXX. To
make it simpler to replace.
With sed you can do it easily enough. Here is an example.
-i 's/XXXXX/FILENAME.iso/g'
Or in OS X (you need an extra '' BSD based Unix systems
require it for some reaon. As noted at http://stackoverflow.com/questions/21228347/using-sed-in-terminal-to-replace-text-in-file
-i '' 's/XXXXX/FILENAME.iso/g'
This sed command saves me from opening the file and editing
it but not much else, I want a command I can run in any directory. I want the one-line to find the name of the
.iso file and put that name into my script.
Here is that one liner
. -iname "*.iso" -exec basename {} \; | xargs -I '{}' sed -i 's/XXXXX/{}/g' .rsync-not-git
Or in OS X (which requires the extra '')
. -iname "*.iso" -exec basename {} \; | xargs -I '{}' sed -i ''
's/XXXXX/{}/g' .rsync-not-git
This works great copy the generic upload script (with XXXXX)
and from each folder with an ISO file in it run this program.
But can we do one better?
Can I copy generic script into each folder that contains an ISO file and
then update each script with one command line call?
Copy the .rsync-not-git file to the base folder and make it
generic (replace file name with XXXXX).
Run the following to copy it to every directory that has a
.iso file.
$PWD -iname "*.iso" -exec dirname {} \; | xargs -I '{}' cp
.rsync-not-git {}
That solves one of the problems… What about updating them
all with one liner?
… A few hours go by …
OK I give up I can't get it to work as a simple one liner.
Bash Script
Now for a simple script (that will copy the rsync script located
in the base directory to each directory and update the text)
And place the following in it. (I renamed my default rsync script
for folder in
`find $PWD -iname "*.iso" -exec dirname {} \;`; do
cp .rsync-not-git-DEFAULT
pushd .
cd $folder
find . -iname
"*.iso" -exec
basename {} \;
| xargs -I '{}' sed -i 's/XXXXX/{}/g'
Or in the case of OS X
for folder in
`find $PWD -iname "*.iso" -exec dirname {} \;`; do
cp .rsync-not-git-DEFAULT $folder/.rsync-not-git
pushd .
cd $folder
find . -iname
"*.iso" -exec
basename {} \;
| xargs -I '{}' sed -i '' 's/XXXXX/{}/g' .rsync-not-git
Then run it
All the individual scripts have been created and updated
with the correct iso file name.
That worked just fine now I can push and pull each iso file. But I have one last need… to run all the
scripts in sequence and push up all the
ISOs in one go.
Bash script to run all the Bash Scripts
And place the following in it (changing the username to your
for folder in
`find $PWD -iname ".rsync-not-git" -exec dirname {} \;`; do
echo $folder
#cp .rsync-not-git $folder
pushd .
cd $folder
bash ./.rsync-not-git push patman
Then run it
This may take a while depending on how many files you have
and how fast your system is.
In my case I took 81 minutes to transfer 21 GiB over a 1
Gigabit network.
[1] Using sed in terminal to replace text in file
Accessed 08/2014